Damien has been coming to my house for almost a year, I have been extremely pleased with each and every massage. He has the knowledge and ability to get my knots out without leaving me hurting the next day, he is one of the few that has been able to accomplish that task. He is very professional, courteous, and gives me exercises that will help keep my muscles relaxed and stretched between massages.
When my son was having back spasms, Damien was willing to come and give him massages until he got all his knots out. It was on the spur of the moment; he was here within 3 hours and had Alden's back feeling better within hours.
I extremely enjoy the fact that I do not have to travel anywhere to receive my massage! I would recommend and have recommended Damien to anyone interested in massages.
Lori Harper
Flower Mound, TX
As a luxurious amenity for our residents, we hosted a relaxing event offering FREE 10-minute massages to those who RSVP'd. Not only were they punctual and inexpensive, the masseuses with Hands On Therapy were also skilled and knowledgeable about various massaging techniques. While massaging, the masseuses remained focused and showed great concern for everyone who received a massage. Due to the caliber of professionalism that the masseuses demonstrated, subsequent private massages were also booked with many of our residents. We've used this company for two (2) of our events within a 5-month period and we plan on using them again in the near future.
Krystal & Jennifer Hills​
Mosaic Highrise CaresTeam
Dallas, TX
Here at Kindred Hospital White Rock our nurses go the extra mile to meet the need of patients/customers by promoting healing, providing hope and preserving the dignity of each resident.
Damien was very professional and seemed to be VERY passionate about his work. Many of our nurses stated that his massage was the best they'd ever had. Damien took additional time to talk to staff members about back pain and how to relieve stress which was very informative to our nurses and leadership team. We will definitely utilize his service again.
Kindred Hospital White Rock​
White Rock, TX